Canadian Staycations

Let’s work together

Do you provide high quality recreational, adventurous, educational or other focused experiences within Canada?

Partners In Adventure

If you’d like your program or company to be considered for inclusion in Canadian Staycations’ range please tell us a little about yourselves, your company and your products and we can get the conversation started!

At Canadian Staycations we search for the best experiences to offer our guests, and we work with our providers to maximise visibility of their products to the right customer demographic. Our goal is to help Canadian providers connect and grow.

Registration Form

Momentum Journeys Inc is a bonded and licensed travel agent. BC Consumer Protection License number 81484

Travel Industry Designator Service badge

Mailing Address

2573 Dunsmuir Ave.
Cumberland, BC
V0R 1S0

Office Hours

Mon-Sat: 9am - 5pm
Sun: Closed

Travel Insurance

Tugo Insurance Logo

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